Family Resource Center Advocacy
Family Resource Centers, other family-strengthening organizations, their networks, and the families they serve can be powerful voices on behalf of California’s communities. Since our founding in 2005, the California Family Resource Association has worked to amplify that power by bringing members together for shared advocacy in the State Capitol and beyond.

CFRA Policy Work
2018 Policy Platform
1. Child Abuse Prevention
2. Racial Equity and Systemic Racism
3. Services and Supports for Families and Communities
4. Stable Funding Stream for FRCs
5. Advocacy Support and Training for CFRA Members
6. Evaluation and Data to Substantiate the Impact of FRCs
7. COVID-19 Response**
**Added in 2020
The 2018 CFRA Policy Platform was developed in consultation with our members, including our Policy Committee and Networks Committee, both comprised of CFRA members, and the Policy Committee of the Child Abuse Prevention Center Board of Directors.
SB 436
The CFRA Policy Committee began to develop draft legislation for FRCs to be included in state statute. The drafted legislation was inclusive of agencies that did not necessarily call themselves a FRCs, but still provide the same types of services that FRCs. CFRA introduced the legislation (SB 436) at the beginning of 2019 and it was passed unanimously in both the California Assembly and Senate and was signed by the Governor. This legislation has allowed for FRCs in CA to receive state funding, such as our COVID-19 relief funds, and our current efforts to receive $25 million in state funding.
FRC Budget Proposals
CFRA members mobilized in 2022, to put forward a proposal for $43 million a year over three years to support the sustainable operation of FRCs. Senator Monique Limón of Santa Barbara and Assembly member Eloise Reyes from San Bernardino stepped up early on to be our proposal’s legislative champions, and the California Alliance for Child and Family Services joined us as co-sponsors. The Joint Legislative Budget Committee adopted our proposal as one-time funding for three years, was a great victory, though our item did not make it through the final negotiations with the administration.
​In 2023, with a more refined proposal, based on feedback from legislative staff, for $25 million a year over three years, CFRA and the Alliance built on the progress of the previous year. Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil signed on as a legislative champion, and legislators in both houses expressed support. This time, though, the proposal ran up against late news of a significant state budget deficit.
AB 2085
The CFRA Policy Committee provided amendments to the drafted AB 2085 law, which was approved by the Governor. AB 2085 exempted financial hardship from the definition of Child Neglect, to support the connection of families experiencing poverty to community resources when appropriate.
2025 Policy Platform
In January 2025, CFRA Members gathered to discuss policy priorities for the coming years. An updated Policy Platform will be released in Spring 2025 based on member and community input collected over 2024.