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Family Resource Centers and FRC Networks

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What is a Family Resource Center? 

Family Resource Centers (FRCs) are common structures of family support and strengthening programs. They are welcoming hubs that serve families within communities, areas, and counties. They come in different shapes and sizes, such as community-based FRCs, school-based FRCs, mobile FRCs, and more. their services are provided at low or no cost to participants and are responsive to the needs, cultures, and interests of the communities they serve. FRCs are defined in California State Statute under Senate Bill 436. 


Learn more about FRCs with the National Family Support Network overview. 

Local FRC networks emerge from a need for FRCs to collaborate within service areas to best support the needs of families they serve together. An FRC network consists of two or more family resource centers, with a backbone entity to leverage the collective impact of the FRC members. The backbone organization maybe a volunteer FRC within the network, a funder, or a nonprofit with the specific task of coordinating the network.


Learn more about FRC Networks with the National Family Support Network overview. 

What is an  FRC Network?

Think you may be an FRC? 

Fill out the CA FRC Finder Tool!

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