In early 2020, the California Family Resource Association merged with the California Family Support Network (CFSN, formerly the California Network of Family Strengthening Networks). The Steering Committee of CFSN became the Networks Committee of CFRA, retaining its leadership role in supporting networks around the state and promoting shared standards of quality for the work of serving families. In 2021, The Networks Committee led the planning of an inaugural (virtual) statewide membership convening and launched CFRA’s partnership with the California Training Institute (Ca-Trin) to provide training in California around the national Standards for Family Strengthening and Support.
The CFRA Networks Committee meets bimonthly and leads our membership in:
- Planning member development activities and gatherings.
- Monitoring and expanding adoption of the Standards for Family Strengthening and Support. [We also should have a page on the Standards, with links to CalTrin & NFSN.]
- Outreach to networks throughout the state.
- Supports for local member networks.
- Member convenings and gatherings.
To learn more about the CFRA Networks Committee, including how to get involved, contact CFRA at or our CFRA Networks Committee Co-Chairs Teressa Johnes and Debbie Comstock
For more information on the history of the California Family Support Network, click here
Office of Child Abuse Prevention:
Vehicles for Change volume I & II: