CFRA Presents:
Bringing Family Strengthening to Life in Your Work:
An Introduction to the Protective Factors Framework
3/23 @9am
The Strengthening Family™ Framework and its Five Protective Factors provide a common language widely adopted across organizations, networks, systems, and communities. Serving as a powerful bridge between service providers and families, the Framework and its Protective Factors offer practical tools that are readily integrated into programs, services, and systems. The Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) conducted significant evidence-based research on the Framework and the Protective Factors, providing a vigorous foundation that has notably contributed to the growing legitimacy of the family strengthening field.
Goals of the Introduction Course-
- List five protective factors that help keep families strong and prevent child abuse and neglect.
- Identify multiple key strategies and concrete everyday actions that help families build those protective factors.
- Understand what it means to work with families in a strength-based way
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